Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Post #9

                  Mark Tansey-Modern/Postmodern http://www.hawaii.edu/lruby/hon491/honors.htm

This artwork represents modern art on the left side and postmodern art on the right side, along with hybridity and gazing postmodern strategies. The painting means that modern art was a breakthrough that nobody expected and it shows the person getting kicked in the face. On the other hand, postmodern art was an expected development that was made and it shows the person preparing himself for the breakthrough. This painting shows hybridity with the combination of two artworks with meanings that correspond to each other. It also uses the gazing postmodern strategy because every artist that looks at this picture could feel a certain way about the subjects and look at the objects and construct their own opinions. This painting uses two different subjects and turns it into one area of art using two postmodern strategies.

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